
Rookie training

Are you seeking a team that emphasizes advanced lead generation strategies, offers in-depth buyer and seller consultations, provides comprehensive training tailored for new agents, and equips you with effective follow-up methodologies? Our program also includes structured scripts and role play exercises, negotiation skill development, NLP techniques for sales, and DISC profiling sessions.

Rookie training

About the training

1. Comprehensive Lead Generation Training:

Our bootcamp covers an array of lead generation techniques, from cold calling to social media, enabling rookies to diversify their client sourcing and build a robust pipeline.

2. Follow-Up Strategies:

Participants learn the art of effective follow-up to keep leads warm and convert them into clients. This includes email campaigns, phone call strategies, and customer relationship management.

3. Scripts and Role Play:

Hands-on role-playing sessions provide rookies with real-world scenarios, helping them to confidently use tried-and-tested scripts that can lead to successful transactions.

4. Contract-to-Close Guidance:

Our training offers a step-by-step walkthrough of the contract-to-close process, ensuring rookies understand the legal and procedural aspects of sealing a deal.

5. Challenge Resolution:

We provide actionable solutions for common challenges faced in deals, such as appraisal gaps or home inspection issues, allowing agents to navigate these roadblocks successfully.

6. NLP for Sales:

The bootcamp incorporates Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques tailored for sales, enhancing communication skills and helping agents connect better with clients.

7. DiSC Profiling:

Understanding different client personalities via DiSC profiling allows agents to tailor their sales approach, leading to higher conversion rates and client satisfaction.

8. Negotiation Skills:

Participants are trained in advanced negotiation techniques, equipping them to secure the best possible terms for their clients and themselves.

9. Networking Opportunities:

Being a part of the bootcamp allows rookies to network with experienced agents and mentors, which can lead to partnerships and referral opportunities in the future.

10. Ongoing Support:

Even after the bootcamp, rookies have access to resources and mentorship, ensuring that they are not left unsupported as they apply what they've learned in the real world.

The JJ Team Rookie Bootcamp is meticulously crafted to provide a comprehensive training journey, encompassing all essential facets for success in the real estate industry.




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